Sunday, February 26, 2017

Karachi Literature Festival 2017 – A Treat for the Mind

There are very few people who get excited when it comes to books. Though I am not a book worm or someone who has a treasure of shelves filled with books, thanks to online reads, I make sure I attend literature festivals to keep myself updated with the latest additions in this arena. This time around, my father, whose favorite genre is politics, was also in town so I decided to visit the then upcoming Karachi Literature Festival 2017.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

TV One’s Wafa Ka Mausam

The recent ban on the neighboring countryy’s channels has somewhat brought back the Pakistani TV drama watchers. This has resulted in the launch of dozens of dramas after a couple of months. Like everything else, there are some hits and some misses in the TV industry too. Some dramas come up with new and grabbing plots, while some repeat the same mainstream content and lose the audience’s interest.

Celebrating the Unsung Heroes of Pakistan

Pakistan is a land of talented people. Every day, an uncelebrated hero does something that surprises the human mind and creates a difference in the lives of people. However, not all of these gems get acknowledged for all their efforts.

Thanks to Altas Battery for their recent campaign “Sparkistan” where they are highlighting Pakistanis who have done something remarkable for the nation. For this purpose, a team travelled across Pakistan to find these heroes. After collecting the notable profiles, the team compiled the stories and started promoting the success stories through social media. This has resulted in creating awareness about the spark in these exceptional people and have given them the fame they truly deserve.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Lenovo Launches Revolutionary Moto Z in Pakistan

Motorola is back in the game with its new Moto Z. The new smartphone range was launched on February 17th, 2017 by Lenovo through its subsidiary Motorola Mobility. The most talked-about features of the new phone, besides its thinness, are its Moto Mods.

The launch took place in Karachi where representatives of the company briefed the audience about the new Moto Z. The features of the phone are:

Monday, February 13, 2017

Jazz launches a Cricket App to keep fans up to date with matches from around the globe

Islamabad – 13 February, 2017: In spirit of the cricket fever gripping the nation, Jazz has launched a world-class cricket app catering to the sport’s fanatics’ every need. Called ‘Jazz Cricket’, the app offers next generation cricket coverage over a digital platform through a very user friendly interface, which offers multiple features.

Monday, February 6, 2017

When Art Speaks, Woven Stories Come into Being!

I have not met a single person in my life who doesn’t admire good art. People of all ages have their own opinion when it comes to appreciating their favorite artwork. However, if there is anything that is receiving a huge round of applause from everyone recently, that is Woven Stories.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Yayvo Launches iDroid in Pakistan

Smartphones have given rise to a whole new level of a digital world we live in. Be it shopping from your favorite brands, interacting with your distant friends/relatives or opting for an online service to get your work done, we have become totally dependent on our smartphones.